Elaine Marieb
After receiving her Ph.D. in zoology from the University ofMassachusetts at Amherst, Elaine N. Marieb joined the faculty ofthe Biological Science Division of Holyoke Community College. Whileteaching at Holyoke Community College, where many of her students werepursuing nursing degrees, she wanted to better understandthe relationship between the scientific study of the human body andthe clinical aspects of the nursing practice. To that end, whilecontinuing to teach fulltime, Dr. Marieb pursued her nursing education, whichculminated in a Master of Science degree with a clinical specialization ingerontology from the University of Massachusetts. It is this experiencethat has informed the development of the unique perspective and accessibilityfor which her textbooks and lab manuals are so well known.
Dr. Marieb passed away in 2018 after a lifetime ofsupporting numerous institutions and programs. Perhaps her favorite causewas helping students, especially nontraditional students, pursue theirgoals in science. She gave generously to provide opportunities forthem to further their education by-to name just one example-funding the E.N. Marieb Science Research Awards at Mount Holyoke College. Shealso believed strongly in research: she underwrote the renovation of thebiology labs in Clapp Laboratory at Mount Holyoke College andprovided funding for reconstruction and instrumentation ofa cutting-edge cytology research laboratory at the University ofMassachusetts at Amherst.
In January 2012 and 2017, Dr. Marieb provided philanthropicsupport to Florida Gulf Coast University as a long-term investment ineducation, research, and training for health care and humanservice professionals in the local community. In honor of her contributions,the university is now home to the Elaine Nicpon Marieb Collegeof Health and Human Services. Her legacy of contributing to scienceeducation lives on through the Elaine Nicpon Marieb Foundation,which provides generous support to multiple causes andorganizations.
Suzanne Keller
Suzanne M. Keller began her teaching career while she was still ingraduate school. Inspired by her lifelong passion for learning, Dr.Keller quickly adopted a teaching style focused ontranslating challenging concepts into easy-to-understand parts usinganalogies and stories from her own experiences. An Iowa native, Dr. Kelleruses her expertise to teach microbiology and anatomy andphysiology at Indian Hills Community College, where most of herstudents are studying nursing or other health science programs. Dr. Kellervalues education as a way for students to express both themselves andtheir values through the careers they pursue. She supports thoseendeavors both in and out of the classroom by financially supporting scholarshipsand service learning trips for students. Dr. Keller alsoenjoys sponsoring children in need with gifts for the holidays. Dr.Keller is a member of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS) andthe Iowa Academy of Science. Additionally, Dr. Keller has servedon multiple advisory boards for various projects at Pearson and hasauthored assignments for Mastering A&P. When not teaching orwriting, Dr. Keller practices energy healing and is an Usui Reiki MasterTeacher. She enjoys reading, indoor rowing, gardening, travel, familygatherings, and relaxing at home under the watchful eyes of her two caninechildren.