PART I Basic Principles
1 Anesthesia, 1
Elaine Yang
2 Acute Infections of the Hand, 17
Milan V. Stevanovic and Frances Sharpe
3 Chronic Infections, 62
Mukund R. Patel
4 Dupuytren Disease, 128
Charles Eaton
5 Extensor Tendon Injury, 152
Robert J. Strauch
6 Flexor Tendon Injury, 183
John Gray Seiler III
7 Fractures of the Metacarpals and Phalanges, 231
Charles S. Day
8 Dislocations and Ligament Injuries of the Digits, 278
Greg Merrell and Hill Hastings
9 Perionychium, 318
Nicole Z. Sommer
10 Treatment of the Stiff Finger and Hand, 338
Robert N. Hotchkiss
11 Treatment of the Osteoarthritic Hand and Thumb, 345
Peter M. Murray
12 Wrist Arthrodesis and Arthroplasty, 373
Marco Rizzo
13 Wrist Instabilities, Misalignments,
and Dislocations, 418
Marc Garcia-Elias and Alberto L. Lluch
14 Distal Radioulnar Joint, 479
Brian D. Adams and Fraser J. Leversedge
15 Distal Radius Fractures, 516
Scott W. Wolfe
16 Fractures of the Carpal Bones, 588
Steve K. Lee
17 Wrist Arthroscopy, 653
William B. Geissler
PART IV Elbow and Forearm
18 Fractures of the Distal Humerus, 697
David P. Barei and Douglas P. Hanel
19 Fractures of the Radial Head, 734
Graham J.W. King
20 Fractures of the Proximal Ulna, 770
George S.M. Dyer and David Ring
21 Disorders of the Forearm Axis, 786
Mark E. Baratz
22 Complex Traumatic Elbow Dislocation, 813
George S.M. Dyer and Jesse B. Jupiter
23 Chronic Elbow Instability: Ligament Reconstruction, 830
Mark S. Cohen
24 Treatment of the Stiff Elbow, 843
Robert N. Hotchkiss
25 Elbow Tendinopathies and Tendon Ruptures, 863
Julie E. Adams and Scott P. Steinmann
26 Elbow Arthroscopy, 885
George S. Athwal
27 Total Elbow Arthroplasty, 905
Mark S. Cohen and Neal C. Chen
PART V Nerves
28 Compression Neuropathies, 921
Susan E. Mackinnon and Christine B. Novak
29 Thoracic Outlet Compression Syndrome, 959
Richard Meyer
30 Nerve Injury and Repair, 979
Rolfe Birch and Tom Quick
31 Principles of Tendon Transfers of Median, Radial,
and Ulnar Nerves, 1023
Timothy R.C. Davis
32 Spasticity: Cerebral Palsy and Traumatic Brain
Injury, 1080
Scott H. Kozin and Nina Lightdale-Miric
33 Tetraplegia, 1122
Ann E. Van Heest
34 Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injury, 1146
Robert J. Spinner, Alexander Y. Shin, Bassem T. Elhassan,
and Allen T. Bishop
PART VI Pediatric Hand
35 Embryology of the Upper Extremity, 1208
Scott H. Kozin
36 Deformities of the Hand and Fingers, 1217
Simon P. Kay, David B. McCombe, and Scott H. Kozin
37 Deformities of the Thumb, 1289
Scott H. Kozin
38 Malformations and Deformities of the Wrist and
Forearm, 1328
Michelle A. James and Andrea S. Bauer
39 Arthrogryposis, 1365
Dan A. Zlotolow
40 Pediatric Brachial Plexus Palsy, 1391
Roger Cornwall and Peter M. Waters
41 Hand, Wrist, and Forearm Fractures in Children, 1425
Donald S. Bae
PART VII Bone and Soft Tissue Reconstruction
42 Replantation, 1476
James P. Higgins
43 Mangled Upper Extremity, 1486
Jeffrey B. Friedrich and Nicholas B. Vedder
44 Nonmicrosurgical Coverage of the Upper Extremity, 1528
William C. Pederson
45 Free Flaps to the Hand and Upper Extremity, 1574
Neil F. Jones and Graham D. Lister
46 Vascularized Bone Grafting, 1612
Allen T. Bishop and Alexander Y. Shin
47 Toe-to-Hand Transplantation, 1643
Fu-Chan Wei and Nidal F. AlDeek
48 Thumb Reconstruction, 1674
Kodi Azari
PART VIII Other Disorders of the Upper Extremity
49 Digital Amputations, 1708
Sanjeev Kakar
50 Major Limb Amputations and Prosthetics, 1753
Rafael J. Diaz-Garcia and Paul S. Cederna
51 Compartment Syndrome and Volkmann Ischemic
Contracture, 1763
Milan V. Stevanovic and Frances Sharpe
52 Management of Venomous Injuries, 1788
Vidal Haddad, Jr., and Trajano Sardenberg
53 A Practical Guide for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
in the Acute Stage and Late Stage, 1797
L. Andrew Koman, Beth Paterson Smith, and Thomas L. Smith
54 Factitious Disorders, 1828
Dean S. Louis and Morton L. Kasdan
55 Rheumatoid Arthritis and Other Connective Tissue
Diseases, 1832
Paul Feldon, Andrew L. Terrono, Edward A. Nalebuff,
and Lewis H. Millender
56 Tendinopathy, 1904
Scott W. Wolfe
57 Burned Hand, 1926
Günter Germann and Manuel Hrabowski
58 Skin Tumors of the Hand and Upper Extremity, 1958
David T. Netscher
59 Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors, 1987
Edward A. Athanasian
60 Vascular Disorders of the Hand, 2036
William C. Pederson
Classic Chapters*
Classic: General Principles
Classic: Radial Nerve
Classic: Stiff Joints
Classic: Principles of Microvascular Surgery
William C. Pederson
Index, I1
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