1. Introduction to Physiology of Lung from Aparoop Das, Manash Pratim Pathak,
Drug delivery perspective Pompy Patwary and Sanghita Das
2. Introduction to pharmacology of Lungs from Caline McCarthy and Charles Preuss
Drug delivery perspective
3. Mechanism and ways of Pulmonary Ahmed S Fahad, Sai HS Boddu and
drug administration jerry Nesamony
4. Trans-epithelial transport of drugs in Sakshi Kumar and Swati Gupta
Pulmonary system
5. Understanding Pharmacokinetics and Seth Kwabena Amponsah
pharmacodynamics of lung and lung drug delivery
6. Chronic Lung diseases : Treatment Aproop Das, Riya Saikia, Kalyani
Challenges and solutions Pathak, Urvashee Gogoi, and
Surovi Saikia
7. Understanding of Lung diseases with a focus on Sharaddha Khairnar, Mudassir applications of nano particulate drug delivery Ansari, Ujwala Shinde, Agnivesh
Systems Shrivastava, and Kavita Singh
8. Models for Lung absorption of Puchanee Larpruenrudee,
drug delivery systems Mohammad S Islam, Gunther Paul, Akshoy R Paul, Y T Gu and Suyash C Saha
9. Modelling for Dry power inhalers Anurag Tiwari, Akshoy R Paul, Anuj
Jain and Suvash C Saha
10. In Vivo Animal models for lung targeted Khushali Vashi, Jasmin Patel and drug delivery systems Yashwant Pathak
11. In Silico Methods for Development of Generic Hao Miao, Reniie LI, Xudong Zhou, Drug-Device Combination Jiaqi Yu, Fen Huang, Haoqin Yang Orally Inhaled Drug Products. and Zhenbo Tong
12. Effect of Aerosol Devices and Administration Amelia Alberts and Charles preuss
Techniques on Drug Delivery in a Simulated
Spontaneously Breathing Pediatric Tracheostomy Model
13. Pulmonary drug delivery: role for Ofosua Adi-Dako, Doris Kumadoh,,
polymeric nanoparticles Esther Eshun Oppong, Christina OseiAsare and Mary Ann Archer
14. Polymeric nanoparticle based drug-gene Keshav Moharir, Vinita Kale and
delivery for lung cancer Abhay Ittadwar
15. Inhalable Polymeric nano particulate Jayvadan Patel and Anita Patel
powders for respiratory delivery
16. Recent trends in Applications of Doris Kumadoh, Ofosua Adi-Dako
Nano-Drug Delivery Systems Yaa Asantewaa Osei and Mary Ann Archer
17. Nanocarrier systems for Pulmonary Sai HS Boddu and jerry Nesamony
Drug Delivery
18. Nano medicine for the Management of Pompy Patowary, Manash Pratim Pulmonary Disorders Pathak, Pronobesh Chattopadhyay
And Kamaruz Zaman
19. Recent approaches in Dendrimers based Rajiv Dahiya and Sunita Dahiya
pulmonary delivery
20. Hybrid Lipid/Polymer Nanoparticles for Pulmonary Samyak nag, Shivani Baliyan and
Delivery of siRNA: Development and Swati Gupta
Fate Upon In Vitro Deposition on the Human
Epithelial Airway Barrier
21. Solid Lipid Nanoparticle-Based Drug Deepa U warrier, harota R Desai,
Delivery for Lung Cancer Kavita H Singh and Ujwala A Shinde
22. Lipid-based pulmonary delivery system: a review Komal Parmar and Jayvadan Patel
and future considerations of formulation
23. Respirable controlled release polymeric Nazrul Islam and Abdur Rashid colloid (RCRPC)
24. Lung clearance kinetics of solid lipid Soumalya Chakraborty, Sudipta Roy
Nano particles and liposomes Akash Dey, Sanjoy Kumar Das, Dhananjoy Saha, Subhabrata Ray, and Bhaskar Mazumder
25. Solid lipid nanoparticles for sustained pulmonary Nayanmoni Boruah, Himangshu
delivery of Herbal drugs for Lung delivery: Sharma and Hemanta Kumar Sharma
Preparation, characterization and in vivo evaluation
26. Improved Solid Lipid Nano formulations Samson A. Adeyemi, Pradeep For pulmonary delivery of Paclitaxel- Kumar, Viness Pillay and Yahya E
Lung cancer Therapy Choonara
27. Antiangiogenic therapy for lung cancer: Urvashi Bhati, Colin J. Barrow
Focus on Bioassay development in a Jagat R. Kanwar, Arnab Kapat
quest for anti-VEGF drugs Venkata Ramana1 and Rupinder K. Kanwar3*
28. Emerging applications of nanoparticles for Raja Reddy Boma Reddy, Sheshanka lung cancer diagnosis and therapy Kesani and Yashwant V Pathak
29. Metallic nanoparticles: technology overview Komal Parmar and Jayvadan Patel
and drug delivery applications in Lung cancer
30. Modelling of pharmaceutical aerosol Anusmriti Ghosh, Mohammad S. transport in the targeted region of human Islam, Mohammad Rahimi-Gorji,
lung airways due to external magnetic field Raj Das and Suvash C. Saha
31. Phytochemicals and biogenic metallic Nana Ama Mireku-Gyimah, Rex
Particles as anticancer agents in Frimpong Anane and Louis Hamenu
Lung cancer
32. Pulmonary applications and toxicity Deepti Kaushlkumar Jani of engineered metallic nanoparticles
33. Anticancer activity of eco-friendly gold nano Jayvadan Patel and Anita Patel particles against lung and liver cancer cells
34. Subchronic inhalation toxicity of gold Srijan Mishra and Jigna Shah
35. Single-use disposable dry powder inhalers for Somchai Sawatdee and Teerapol
pulmonary drug delivery Srichana
36. Lung delivery of nicotine for smoking cessation Hui Wang and Nazrul Islam
37. Formulation and characterization of Himangshu Sarma, Nayanmoni Dry powder inhalers for pulmonary drug delivery Boruah, Hemanta K Sharma
38. Devices for dry powder drug delivery to the lung Jayvadan Patel and Anita Patel
39. Numerical Modelling of Agglomeration and Tan Suwandecha and Teerapol Srichana
Deagglomeration in Dry Powder Inhalers Srichana
40. Oronasal and Tracheostomy Delivery Dasharath M. Patel, Unnati D of Soft Mist and Pressurized Metered-Dose Chanpura and Veer J. Patel Inhalers With Valved Holding Chamber.
41. Modelling for Biopharmaceutical Amy Le, Kianna Samuel, Truong
Performance in Lung Drug Discovery Tran and Yashwant Pathak
42. Regulatory Considerations for Approval of Urvashi K Parmar and Jayvadan Patel Generic Inhalation Drug Products in the US, EU, Brazil, China, and India
43. Regulatory perspectives and concerns Johirul Islam, Hemanga Hazarika
related to nano particles based lung delivery Probin Kr Roy, Pompy Patowary
Pronobesh Chattopadhyay, Yashwant V Pathak, Kamaruz Zaman
44. Clinical Controversies in Aerosol Jeffrey Cruz and Charles Preuss Therapy for Infants and Children
45. Drug Delivery Using Aerosols: Challenges Surovi Saikia, Aproop Das and
and Advances in Neonatal Pediatric Subgroup Yashwant V Pathak
46. Safety and Toxicological Concerns Humera Memon, Vandit Shah
Related to Nano-Particles Based Lung Delivery Tejal mehta and Jigna Shah
47. Nanoparticles Based Lung Drug Delivery: Vandit Shah, Jigna Shah
Handbook of Lung Targeted Drug Delivery Systems: Recent Trends and Clinical Evidences 1st Edition PDF Ebook