High-Yield Immunology 1st Edition PDF Free Download
High-Yield Immurwlogy is a compendium of the knowledge considered necessary by the
National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) to achieve competence in iramunology for
the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE). Immunology is a science that
pervades most medical disciplines; this volume spans the breadth of the discipline and
includes basic science, as well as clinical, information, | based my selection af what subject
areas to include on the experience | have gleaned from years of teaching medical and grad-
uate students. Topics, which include the following, are presented in a concise, “narrative
outline” format:
-Development and function of the organs and cells involved in the immune response
-Properties of antigens and antibodies and the vay chey interact with each other
-Synthesis, genetic control, and regulation of antibody
-Cell-mediated immunity (CMI) and inflammation
-Immunologic disorders, including hypersensitivity disorders, immunodeficiency disorders, and autoimmune diseases
-The role of the immune system in transplantation and cancer
-Currently available vaccines and recommended immunization schedules
Numerous tables and illustrations round out the presentation by summarizing information
and clarifying difftcule conceprs.
This book is not meant to replace the many excellent texthooks of immunology. Rather, it
is my hope that the concise presentation of information in High-Yield Immunology will assist
the reader in the quick recall of the facts considered essential for understanding chis excit-
ing and rapidly changing science.
Format Paperback | 80 pages
Publication date 01 Mar 1999
Language English
ISBN10 0683306146
ISBN13 9780683306149