Section 1—Perinatal Health
1 Perinatal Preventive Care: Fetal Assessment, 3
E. Rebecca Pschirrer, MD, MPH
George A. Little, MD
2 Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Multiple Births, and Pregnancy
Outcomes, 53
Christie J. Bruno, DO
Edith A. McCarthy, MD
Peter A. M. Auld, MD
James A. Grifo, MD
3 Maternal Depression, 67
Marian Earls, MD
Section 2—Routine Care Issues
4 Medical-Legal Considerations in the Care of Newborns, 77
Jonathan M. Fanaroff , MD, JD
Robert Turbow, MD, JD
5 Prenatal Pediatric Visit, 99
Deborah E. Campbell, MD
6 Care of the Newborn After Delivery, 105
Diane E. Bloomfi eld, MD
Elaine Dinolfo, MS, MD
Faye Kokotos, MD
7 Breastfeeding the Newborn, 123
Lisa Marie Stellwagen, MD
Richard J. Schanler, MD
8 Th e Circumcision Decision, 153
Andrew L. Freedman, MD
9 Care of the Late Preterm Infant, 163
Sheri L. Nemerofsky, MD
Viral A. Dave, MD
Deborah E. Campbell, MD
10 Hospital Discharge of the Healthy Term and Late Preterm Infant, 183
Christina Kan Sullivan, MD
Sonia Dela Cruz-Rivera, MD
11 Follow-up Care of the Healthy Newborn, 207
Deborah E. Campbell, MD
Section 3—Assessment and Physical Examination
of the Newborn
12 Maternal Medical History, 221
Harpreet Kaur, MD
Deborah E. Campbell, MD
13 Physical Examination of the Newborn, 231
Harpreet Kaur, MD
Deborah E. Campbell, MD
14 Neonatal Skin, 263
Julian Trevino, MD
Amy Yuntzu-Yen Chen, MD
Catherine Ulman, MD
15 Common Congenital Anomalies, 283
Orna Rosen, MD
Robert W. Marion, MD
Joy Melinda Samanich, MD
16 Postnatal Assessment of Common Prenatal Sonographic Findings, 301
Deborah E. Campbell, MD
Sheri L. Nemerofsky, MD
Abieyuwa Iyare, MD
Teri Jo Mauch, MD, PhD
Richard M. Schwend, MD
Section 4—Neonatal Medical Conditions
17 Abnormalities of Fetal Growth, 323
Suhas M. Nafday, MD, MRCP(Ire), DCH
18 Neonatal Jaundice, 345
Vishal Subodhbhai Kapadia, MD
Luc P. Brion, MD
19 Respiratory Distress and Breathing Disorders in the Newborn, 361
Suhas M. Nafday, MD, MRCP(Ire), DCH
Christina Long, DO
20 Th e Newborn With a Heart Murmur or Cyanosis, 399
Nicole J. Sutton, MD
Christine A. Walsh, MD
21 Th e Newborn at Risk for Infection, 417
Tsoline Kojaoghlanian, MD
22 Th e Newborn With Hematologic Abnormalities, 439
M. Catherine Driscoll, MD
23 Prenatal Drug Use: Neonatal Eff ects and the Drug Withdrawal
Syndrome, 455
Enrique M. Ostrea Jr, MD
Neil Joseph B. Alviedo, MD
Felix Banadera, MD
Josef Misael Cortez, MD
Lilia C. De Jesus, MD
24 Transient Metabolic Disturbances in the Newborn, 483
Zuzanna Kubicka, MD
George A. Little, MD
25 Specifi c Congenital Metabolic Diseases, 501
Angel Rios, MD
Darius J. Adams, MD
26 Th e Newborn With Neurologic Findings, 541
Oranee Sanmaneechai, MD
Aleksandra Djukic, MD, PhD
27 Surgical Emergencies of the Chest and Abdomen in the Newborn, 551
Anna Christina Ganster, MD
Mohamed Farooq Ahamed, MD
Mamta Fuloria, MD
Section 5—Perinatal Care: Caring for the High-Risk Infant
28 Assessment and Stabilization at Delivery, 585
Joaquim M. B. Pinheiro, MD, MPH
29 Identifying the Newborn Who Requires Specialized Care, 611
Upender K. Munshi, MBBS, MD
30 Care of the Sick or Premature Infant Before Transport, 629
Gina Marie Geis, MD
Karen S. Wood, MD
31 Continuing Care of the Infant After Transfer From Neonatal
Intensive Care, 645
Deborah E. Campbell, MD
32 Discharge Planning for the High-Risk Newborn Requiring
Intensive Care, 703
Christina Long, DO
Deborah E. Campbell, MD
33 Follow-up Care of the Graduate From Neonatal Intensive Care, 741
Judy C. Bernbaum, MD
Section 6—Neonatal Outcomes
34 Health and Developmental Outcomes of Very Preterm and Very Low-Birth-
Weight Infants, 773
Deborah E. Campbell, MD
Sonia O. Imaizumi, MD
Judy C. Bernbaum, MD
35 Health and Developmental Outcomes of Selected Medically Complex
Neonates, 799
Sarah Chambers, MD
Deborah E. Campbell, MD
Section 7—Supporting Families During Perinatal
Illness and Death
36 Support for Families Whose Infant Is Sick or Dying, 843
Joseph A. Vitterito II, MD
Deborah E. Campbell, MD
George A. Little, MD
Index, 869
Neonatology for Primary Care 1st Edition PDF Ebook