FIRST TRIMESTER: Bleeding with IUP / Bleeding without Visible IUP / Abnormal Sac Contents / Abnormal Sac Position / Adnexal Mass in First Trimester / First Trimester Membranes / First Trimester Pelvic Pain / Increased Nuchal Translucency / Abnormal First Trimester Fetus
Brain: Mild Ventriculomegaly / Absent Cavum Septi Pellucidi / Hydrocephalus / Fluid-filled Calvarium / Intracranial Cysts: Midline / Intracranial Cysts: Lateral / Posterior Fossa Cyst/Fluid Collection / Abnormal Cerebellum / Abnormal Brain Parenchyma / Absent Calvarium / Abnormal Calvarium / Microcephaly / Macrocephaly / Intracranial Calcifications / Intracranial Mass
Spine: Spinal Mass / Abnormal Spine Position / Abnormal Vertebral Column
FACE/NECK: Facial Cleft / Micrognathia / Abnormal Midface / Abnormal Eyes / Abnormal Ears / Macroglossia / Facial Mass / Neck Mass
CHEST: Simple Fluid Collection, Chest / Solid/Echogenic Lung Mass / Cystic Lung Mass / Small Chest
CARDIAC: Abnormal Cardiac Axis / Chamber Asymmetry / Septal Defect / Abnormal Outflow Tracts / Cardiomegaly / Abnormal Rate or Rhythm / Cardiac Mass
Abdominal Wall: Abdominal Wall Defect
Gastrointestinal Tract: Small/Absent Stomach / Echogenic Bowel / Dilated Bowel / Ascites / Abdominal Calcifications / Large Abdominal Circumference / Hepatomegaly / Cystic Abdominal Mass / Solid Abdominal Mass
Genitourinary Tract: Mild Pelviectasis / Fetal Hydronephrosis / Echogenic Kidneys / Renal Enlargement / Cystic Kidney / Absent Kidney / Large Bladder / Absent/Small Bladder / Adrenal Mass / Ambiguous Genitalia / Scrotal Mass
MSK: Mildly Short Femur/Humerus / Severe Limb Shortening / Angulated Bones / Abnormal Ossification / Abnormal Foot / Radial Ray Malformation / Abnormal Digits / Polydactyly / Syndactyly / Abnormal Fetal Posture/Movement
MULTIPLE GESTATIONS: Membranes in Multiple Gestations / Discordant Twin Growth / Asymmetric Fluid Distribution / Twin Related Anomalies / Conjoined Twins
PLACENTA/MEMBRANES: Placental Sonolucencies / Abnormal Placental Location / Abnormal Placental Margin / Placental Mass-Like Lesions / Placentomegaly / Abnormal Placental Cord Insertion
CORD: Abnormal Umbilical Cord / Abnormal Umbilical Cord Vessels
FLUID: Oligohydramnios / Polyhydramnios / Echogenic Amniotic Fluid / Linear Echoes in Amniotic Fluid
GROWTH AND WELL BEING: IUGR: Early Onset / IUGR: Late Onset / Macrosomia / Hydrops / Fetal Anemia / Abnormal Fetal Presentation
UTERUS-CERVIX: Short Cervix / Uterine/Cervical Mass / Uterine Anomalies
MATERNAL CONDITIONS IN PREGNANCY: Uterine Size Dates / Antepartum Hemorrhage / Ovarian Lesions in Pregnancy / Elevated MSAFP / Abnormal Beta HCG / Hyperemesis / Acute Abdomen in Pregnancy / C-section Complications / Breast Mass in Pregnancy
POSTPARTUM COMPLICATIONS: Postpartum Hemorrhage / Postpartum Pain/Fever
Obstetrics (Expertddx) 1st Edition PDF Ebook