Viva in Oral Surgery for Dental Students PDF Free Download
The field of maxillofacial surgery has been ever-changing since pastseventy-five years. The newer advances in the field of reconstruction,repair , reanimation, anesthesia, pain has made it a branch of interestnot only for the people belonging to the fraternity but even to otherspecialties.In this new era of tough competition, I felt that undergraduatestudents should do something related to my field reading undernight lamp for their life-support. I felt that this book is a bread andbutter in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery.This is a comprehensive book comprising of about 600 vivaquestions shuffled from all topics of oral surgery. I have tried toinclude all possible questions in the recent advances in one or otherform, that can be asked in the forthcoming undergraduate vivaexaminations in their syllabus.The book also tends to need postgraduate students in givingthem an eagle’s eye view of the subject which can aid them in vivavoce. It is a matter of pride that the book has been undertaken forpublishing by M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd,New Delhi, India whose name in publishing parallels minimalauthenticity.I sincerely thank my department colleagues for their timely helpand support during the writing of the book.I am also indebted for life to my family for their belief in me andtheir unconditional support to guide me in this publication.